Now days, Surveillance Cameras are used everywhere from home to public and commercial places mainly for purposes like security and monitoring. This project is an application for automatic face detection and tracking in Real Time Video streams from surveillance cameras. The work has been done with web cameras in Open Source platform of 32 bit OpenCV2.4.13 with Python 2.7.8 on 64 bit Windows7. The algorithm uses Haar Feature based Cascade Classifier to extract Haar like features developed from the algorithm proposed by Viola-Jones. Here, the purpose is to count the attendance of students in regular classroom and in examination hall as well as to identify the person present in the video and to decide whether the person belongs to the database or not. The project developed here also shows the details of the person present in video from surveillance camera. We generated the database using the advanced version of mysql that is sqlite3.1.1. Here we have generated database of 4 to 5 persons and it can be extended for many. This project can be extended for smart screens in smart classrooms, offices, institutions etc.